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Search Engine Optimization


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) empowers a business to rank higher in search engine results which helps in reaching a wider audience. Humans are inquisitive in nature and they search for answers all the time. This was made easier with the advent of technology and Google has become the go-to search engine for Billions of people all around the world. This can be achieved by understanding how Google search engine works and how it ranks websites. This course is the key to understand one of the most important skills in Digital Marketing. If businesses can learn to rank their websites on Google, then they can literally expect millions of visitors to their website with millions of opportunities to get leads and sales


Digital Marketing

• Social Media marketing • Pinterest marketing • Facebook & Google Ads

Understanding of planning a digital marketing campaign and the role of different digital channels in achieving that goal through integrated marketing communication. It starts by building a foundation through digital marketing strategy and helps trainees to acquire a set of concepts and tools to digitally create, distribute and promote products and services.


Accounting & Book keeping

Service Subtitle

There is no doubt that finance is the blood of any organization and its management enables the businesses to run smoothly. Therefore,
RK Consultants services as these are necessary for better financial management, proper accounting, and bookkeeping..
Accounting services by RK Consultants also cover the following areas; 1)Preparation and review of financial statements.
2)Review of every single accounting transaction its supporting evidence 3)Complete tax compliance review 4)Accounts receivable management. Bookkeeping Services:-
1)Record of all expenses 2) GST returns and income tax statements

Discussing the Numbers
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